• During the month of design, València Design Fest will come together, led by Fundació del Disseny, the Feria Hábitat València, Textilhogar Home Textiles Premium and Espacio Cocina SICI competitions by Feria Valencia and the 15th Edition of València Disseny Week (VDW-15). , organized by the Association of Designers of the Valencian Community.
  • The presentation event took place at CaixaForum Madrid, with the presence and support of a large number of agents from the design sector on a national scale.

València will become the international epicenter of design thanks to a month full of activities dedicated to this creative and cultural industry. The program will include exhibitions, fairs, conferences, workshops, presentations, projects led by emerging talents and screenings, among many other initiatives. Between September 10 and October 10, the city of València Design Fest, promoted by the Design Foundation of the Valencian Community, the major events Feria Hábitat València, Textilhogar Home Textiles Premium and Espacio Cocina SICI, and the celebration of the 15th edition of València Disseny Week, a reference initiative organized by the Association of Designers of the Valencian Community (ADCV) with a participatory program, co-created together with different agents from the sector. Events that will bring together professionals, companies and national and international institutions in Valencia who will enjoy, together with citizens, local talent, the creative effervescence of our city and the latest trends in design from the Mediterranean.

Valencia Design Fest

Organized by the Fundació del Disseny, València Design Fest’s main objective is to continue projecting the Valencian Community on a national and international scale as a territory indisputably linked to design. This year it presents, among the most notable initiatives, the second edition of “Time and Matter”, an exhibition of contemporary crafts curated by Estudio Savage, which seeks to bring contemporary crafts closer to the general public. A space for reflection where you can see how, thanks to design, craftsmanship has a valid path of development and, above all, the permanence of materials, techniques and production processes.

The program will also include the screening of several documentaries, among which “Mariscal. The joy of living”, the story of a man who conquered the world and had to lose everything to find himself again; conversations between creative minds – Erik Harley (expert in Urban Studies, known for being the creator of Pormishuevismo), Nuria Moliner (architect and communicator) or Juan Ferrero (partner and CEO at Ramón Esteve Estudio), among others -; as well as the presentation of publications such as Quadern 02 of the Arxiu Valencià del Disseny, an edition on the most emblematic icons of Valencian design, those who built the imaginary of what good design developed in our land entails, which projected it nationally and internationally. and its impact on contemporary culture; or workshops like the one that Cuadernos Rubio will lead.

Among the satellite activities of the festival are the TotCor exhibition, a collaborative project signed by Pepa Reverter in which several artists have designed pieces around the figure of the “cor” (heart in Valencian) to launch a message of solidarity; a “Square Table” from the series organized by Sergio Membrillas, events that seek to energize the Valencian scene by inviting notable personalities to debate a topic; as well as several conferences and activities led by the partners of the Fundació del Disseny, such as APE Grupo – who will present the report “The New Habitat 24-25”.

As a great novelty, the Fundació del Disseny will present the Distinctions for Social Design, as well as a series of scholarships for young professionals to promote the social nature in the field of design.

Top-level names and brands such as Camper, Álvaro Catalán de Ocón or Irthi Contemporary Crafts Council, among others, will complete the ambitious program.

The great call for Feria Valencia

Feria Valencia will be one of the great epicenters of design month with the celebration, from September 30 to October 3, of the large international calls around the habitat sectors: Feria Hábitat València, Textilhogar Home Textiles Premium and Espacio Cocina SICI . An event that plans to bring together an offer of close to a thousand exhibiting companies on an exhibition surface of more than 90,000 square meters, corresponding to the eight pavilions on Levels 2 and 3 of Feria Valencia.

The call comes with many new features in each of the contests. Thus, Feria Hábitat Valencia will expand its scope of action towards the hotel industry this year, with the signing of a collaboration agreement with the Hotel Technology Institute through which a series of conferences will be held around this industry with the presence of interior designers, designers, architects and managers of the main hotel chains. Furthermore, within this segment, the prestigious designer Héctor Ruiz will create a contract space with various proposals around this sector. Habitat will also add to this call a new pavilion dedicated to the Interior Decoration sector, with the presence of the main national and international firms in this field. An offer that is incorporated into the best proposals of avant-garde design, which will once again occupy two entire pavilions, as well as the offer of indoor, outdoor furniture, lighting, upholstery and rest, as well as the program of conferences and conferences in around design and interior design that will be held at the Ágora nude.

For its part, Hábitat’s offer will be complemented with the best home textiles, upholstery and contract through the Textilhogar Home Textiles Premium contest, which will occupy part of pavilion 3 of Level 3 and which in 2024 will host an innovative space designed by the creative Sigfrido Serra with the help of the interiors magazine and in which various spaces will be integrated, such as the trends area, a ‘networking’ area and the ‘Boulevard’ of Editores.

The 360-degree vision around the habitat will be completed by the return of the SICI Espacio Cocina biennial, the only fair 100% specialized in kitchen furniture and equipment held in our country and which this year debuts an innovative setting by the designer Ximo Roca, who will convert pavilion 4 of Level 3 into a surprising container with fluid routes and which will host the best national and international offering in the sector, with a special emphasis on kitchen furniture manufacturing companies, which practically doubles their presence in the fair.

Valencia Design Week – 15th Edition (VDW-15)

The València Disseny Week of the Association of Designers of the Valencian Community (ADCV), the event with the longest history and participation in the sector, reaches its fifteenth edition in 2024 as a reference project for the dissemination, promotion and enhancement of the design of the Valencian Community. It is celebrated from September 30 to October 4.

The diversity and scope of the VDW program is based on an open and participatory process, in which professionals, studios, educational centers and companies in the sector intervene, supported by the representative entity of design companies in the Valencian Community, the ADCV. Together they give rise to dozens of proposals aimed at promoting interaction, coexistence, communication and mutual knowledge between design and citizens that are concentrated in the most stimulating week for Valencian design. Among them, workshops, conferences, exhibitions, routes and open-door sessions, talks and presentations, with different contents and approaches, from informative to those of a more festive nature.

The common thread that unites the VDW program is the valorization of design as a strategic ally in innovation and business competitiveness, in the evolution towards more sustainable, inclusive and integrative social and economic models and, with it, in the improvement of people’s well-being and quality of life. In line with this commitment, and with Valencia’s performance as European Green Capital in 2024, the VDW recovers this color for its image, with a vibrant green that invites you to share and enjoy this recognition.

Furthermore, based on these pillars of the VDW, the 15th Edition will host a project that represents a milestone: the inauguration of the new design core of the Valencian Community. The new headquarters of the ADCV will be located in the center of the city of Valencia, it has been defined and will be managed applying sustainable criteria and processes and will have a wide and diverse program dedicated to design throughout the year, with the same spirit as the VDW: design for all people.

Among the notable events of the 15th VDW, there is also the exhibition of finalist and award-winning projects in the VII edition of our awards, which will be hosted by the Las Naves innovation center from September 10 to October 17. Also linking with the Awards, the third day ‘Design with Positive Impact’ will be held, in which we will delve into the creative processes of the works recognized by the jury for their contribution to society and the environment by the and the professionals who have created them.

The program includes the presentation day of the fifth edition of the design, culture and sustainability festival in the Miradors de l’Horta orchard, which has the collaboration of the ADCV. Its objective is to reflect on sustainable development, food sovereignty and the relationship between agricultural and urban territories. This year’s motto is ‘L’Horta, capital of sustainable food’.

At VDW 2024, one of the consolidated and most anticipated actions by studios and the public is reinforced, the ‘Design Walks’, routes and open days in design studios, which have hung the ‘full capacity’ sign during their three previous editions.

The open call for the presentation of proposals that will define the complete program of the VDW 15th Edition will open in the last week of June.

Numerous agents from the sector attended the event.

The presentation has aroused the interest of several representatives of leading entities in the design sector at a state level, such as members of the College of Interior Designers of the Valencian Community, representatives of CasaDecor, the Forum of Renowned Spanish Brands, the Arquia Foundation, the General Council of Official Colleges of Decorators and Interior Designers or of the Hotel Technology Institute (ITH).

Authorities and representatives of ICEX, the Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities were also present at the event.

  • After a successful edition in 2023, in which the capacity of 300 people was reached, the Fundació del Disseny de la Comunitat Valenciana once again makes «Paradís» a reality, a day of inspiring talks on design, strategy and creativity, which brings together from its first edition in 2020 to national and international speakers from different creative disciplines.
  • This year’s line up is surpassed once again and includes names such as Domestic Data Streamers, Marco Oggian, NYSU, fagerström, Espadaysantacruz, AREA17, El Descampao, BOL, Tina Touli, Pablo Amade and Democràcia.
  • It will take place at CaixaForum València on June 15. The first 50 tickets that went on sale were sold out in less than 48 hours.

This year, «Paradís» continues to have humor as its common thread, but if in previous editions it invited attendees to stroll through the paradise of design, this time it will drag us directly into its depths. Lorena Sayavera as designer of the visual identity and Silvia Tack, who created the illustrations, have been in charge of this. The designer Lina Vila repeats as presenter and Wences Sanz, a design expert with extensive experience in organizing festivals linked to the creative sector, as curator.

«Paradís»’s main objective is to continue promoting the union spaces of the design ecosystem, as well as to continue supporting the culture of knowledge in the creative, economic and social spheres. It is a project of the Design Foundation of the Valencian Community that has the support of the Valencia City Council, the La Caixa Foundation and Impresum.

Tickets can now be purchased and include access to all presentations, coffee, food and free entry to all CaixaForum València exhibitions.

This year, as a novelty, in one of the sessions an episode of the El Descampao podcast will be recorded live, directed by Sergio Mena, winner in 2022 of the prestigious Ondas Award for best radio idea with his series Mirando al Espacio for «combining with great skill serialized narration and surreal humor in comic-pop style sound fiction».

All the information on the speakers and ticket sales here: https://paradisvalencia.com/

– It will be held on 13 and 14 November at CaixaForum València, as a meeting point for industry professionals and the general public with a high level of awareness about the subject.

– The entire programme has been designed under the slogan “From Ideas to Action”, including big names of sustainability activists or sustainability managers in international industry firms, such as the 2000s model and climate activist Lily Cole, or the head of sustainable design at Dior Men, Natalia Culebras.

– The congress is curated by Patricia Moreno, journalist and expert in fashion communication, and celebrates the role of the Valencian Community as the leading region in the textile industry in Spain in terms of its contribution to GDP.


Design will dominate the city’s cultural and professional calendar throughout the month of September.

Exhibitions, conferences, editorial presentations, thematic routes and audiovisual screenings open to all audiences will take place, alongside major events such as Feria Hábitat València, the TAC! Festival and Valencia Disseny Week.

The main objective of the festival promoted by the Fundació del Disseny (Design Foundation) is to continue highlighting the Valencian Community’s image on a national and international scale as a territory indisputably linked to design.

September is synonymous with design in Valencia. The design sector’s calendar is once again focused on the Valencian Community throughout the month thanks to a programme that is open to both the general public and the professional sector. It was within this context, as a brand that embodies the spirit of València World Design Capital 2022, that València Design Fest was born. A festival that seeks to promote the best version of Mediterranean design and to value the conjunction of major events such as Feria Hábitat València, València Disseny Week (organised by the Designers’ Association of the Valencian Community) and the urban architecture festival TAC!.


València Design Fest will take place next September, a design festival that will bring together national and international companies and professionals to discover first-hand the local talent, the creative effervescence of our city and the latest trends in design from the Mediterranean. All this, thanks to an agenda of activities made up of events dedicated to the industry, as well as exhibitions, conferences, presentations, projects led by emerging talents, pop-up spaces, screenings and themed routes, among many other initiatives. A full programme that, following the success and interest generated in recent years, is being extended to a whole month of activity.

The consolidated Feria Hábitat València and Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar -coinciding in date and location from 19 to 22 September at Feria Valencia- stand as annual events of reference and, together with the city’s design week (Valencia Disseny Week), will become the epicentre of València Design Fest, a brand that inherits all the spirit of World Design Capital Valencia 2022 and integrates the local agendas of the entire Valencian design ecosystem, but also of art galleries, cultural centres and entities linked to architecture and creativity in general.

In short, a month of experiential, participatory and open events to continue to demonstrate the link and international relevance of València with creativity and design.

“Nombre proyecto”