• The objective of the framework agreement is the joint development of initiatives and projects of interest to the sector and its professionals.
  • It will be complemented with agreements identified by projects, in those cases in which, due to their objectives, size or scope, it is deemed appropriate.

València, July 17, 2024 – The Design Foundation of the Valencian Community and the Association of Designers of the Valencian Community (ADCV) have signed a framework collaboration agreement, which will be the basis for the joint development of initiatives and projects of interest to the sector and for its professionals.

The collaboration between both organizations will focus on shared objectives, among which the promotion of design stands out, both nationally and internationally, highlighting its economic, cultural and social relevance; reflection on your practice; ensure and promote ethics and good practices; collaborate for better preparation and collaboration among design professionals, and support and explore changes in the profession.

All of this, with the common global goal of contributing to the strengthening of the Valencian design ecosystem, seeking alliances and synergies with other related entities.

In practice, all this implies the joint carrying out of activities in different areas. The agreement expressly includes the joint organization of cultural, educational and editorial activities; collaboration in research projects, as well as cooperation and technical assistance in the field of new technologies; the establishment of agreements on the provision of services of mutual interest, and the reciprocal transfer of facilities for the development of specific activities, upon request for authorization and availability. Likewise, dialogue for common purposes will be maintained.

For each of the initiatives or projects, the optimal collaboration formula will be jointly defined. The formulation of individualized agreements is also contemplated in those in which it is deemed appropriate, due to their size, scope or objectives.

Good hiring practices

One of the common lines of action of the ADCV and the Fundació del Disseny is the defense of professional ethics and good practices in the contracting of design work. In this agreement, both ratify their union to ensure that they maintain a position against speculative calls or any that are contrary to the ethical standards of the profession.

In this sense, they agree to maintain a proactive attitude in the creation or reformulation of calls that are respectful of the design profession, as well as to disseminate and promote them both among the agents of the sector themselves and among Public Administrations, institutions, companies and all types of organizations. that hire design jobs.

Example of alliance: Valencia Design Month

The first example of joint collaboration after the signing of the new agreement is the promotion and dissemination of the activities and events that will shape the ‘Design Month’ of Valencia, which will take place this year from September 10 to October 10. In these four weeks, the 15th edition of València Disseny Week, a reference initiative organized by the Association of Designers of the Valencian Community (ADCV), the València Design Fest, promoted by the Fundació del Disseny de la Comunitat Valenciana, will converge in the city. , and the large events Feria Hábitat València, Textilhogar Home Textiles Premium and Espacio Cocina SICI.

These events will bring together professionals, companies and national and international institutions in Valencia who, together with citizens, will enjoy local talent, the creative effervescence of our city and the latest trends in design from the Mediterranean.

València Art & Design Walks is a new cultural leisure proposal open to the public that seeks to get to know València from a different and avant-garde perspective. The art and design walks through the streets and contemporary art galleries of the city will be led by artistic performers passionate about transmitting the creative essence of València. In addition, attendees will have the opportunity to experience exclusive meet&greets with local artists and creators. Lasting two hours, they will be held on Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings, in Spanish and English.

At a time when València emerges as an epicenter of art and design after its designation as World Design Capital in 2022 and chosen as a City of Design by UNESCO from 2023, these routes become an essential activity for locals and visitors. Promoted by Turiart and in collaboration with Fundació del Disseny de la Comunitat Valenciana and LAVAC, Association of Contemporary Art Galleries of the Valencian Community, they have the advice of José Luis Pérez Pont, cultural manager and art curator.

«Design, an engine of innovation and competitiveness, contributes significantly to the GDP or employment of our Community from its intensive sectors. But in addition to its economic impact, in these years of creative effervescence Valencia has also been able to verify and quantify the effect it has on the city brand, on its urban planning and the experience of those who live there and visit it, in addition to building identity and therefore heritage. Therefore, the anomaly was probably not having routes dedicated to highlighting the most outstanding design elements of our city until today». – Xavi Calvo, director of the Design Foundation.

The official presentation of the routes took place on Friday, March 22 at the Territorial College of Architects of Valencia, bringing together leading figures from the world of art, design and Valencian tourism. The event was chaired by the executive director of Turiart, Marta Templado, together with the director of the Fundació del Disseny, Xavi Calvo, the president of Lavac, Rosa Santos, and Jose Luis Pérez Pont. Attendees had the opportunity to participate in a pilot route that included stops at emblematic places such as the Espai Guastavino of the Territorial College of Architects of Valencia, as well as in several design spaces such as the Cuadernos Rubio store, designed by the interior studio Masquespacio , and Casa Clarita, the hotel created by Jaime Hayon. The contemporary art galleries Set Spai D’Art were also visited with the exhibition “Noyo?” by Olga Diego and Shiras Gallery, where the exhibition’s own artist, Nuria Rodríguez, explained her work “Escala uno es a mil.” The pilot route culminated with a tasting of the exquisite Valencian truffles Trufas Martinez, accompanied by the Valencian cava Alegría, from the Pago de Tharsys winery.

«València Art and Design Walks represents a new chapter in the tourist panorama of Valencia, fusing the cultural wealth of the city with its avant-garde design and contemporary art. Turiart hopes that this initiative will not only be valued by the local public but will attract visitors from all over the world, and inspire a greater understanding of Valencia’s creative wealth». – Marta Templado, executive director of Turiart.

Design, culture and art tell the new story of València, where both design and local creativity have been key as the main attractions when visiting the city.

Route reservations are now available at this link.

More information: Info@turiart.com / Tel. 963520772- 657047739 / www.turiart.com

“Nombre proyecto”