During the month of September, València celebrates a design festival that brings together national and international companies and professionals to discover first-hand the local talent, the creative effervescence of our city and the latest trends in design from the Mediterranean. All this, thanks to an agenda of activities consisting of exhibitions, conferences, presentations, projects led by emerging talents, pop-up spaces, screenings and themed routes, among many others.

The consolidated Feria Hábitat València and Valencia Disseny Week (organized by ADCV) will become the epicentre of València Design Fest, a brand that inherits all the spirit of World Design Capital Valencia 2022 and integrates the local agendas of the entire Valencian design ecosystem, but also of art galleries, cultural centres and entities linked to architecture and creativity in general. A month of experiential, participatory and open events to continue to demonstrate the link and international relevance of València with creativity and design. València Design Fest is a project of the Fundació del Disseny de la Comunitat Valenciana.

A journey through Valencian design through anecdotes and stories, with the aim of promoting the discipline from a historical and close perspective, regionally, nationally and internationally.

Written by Eugenio Viñas and Lidia Caro and designed by Ibán Ramón, this is a book that, through different stories that focus on “the part for the whole”, can form a broad and general idea of the agents, professionals, spaces, objects and various concepts that make Valencia a benchmark in this creative sector.

Available on our online shop.

A meeting point for product design professionals and artists from different disciplines with an interest in digital and interactive design, motion graphics or graphic design in general. An educational and playful format, full of large doses of humour, where it is possible to learn from the experiences and professional careers of an effervescent creative community from different parts of the world.

A festival hosted by Lina Vila, curated by Wences Sanz with the visual identity of the designer Lorena Sayavera and with the experience and organization of the Design Foundation team.

Next edition: 2025

Contemporary craftsmanship has become a field of sensory, formal and symbolic reflection and experimentation through the confrontation and dialogue between tradition and innovation, between natural materials and intelligent materials, between manual techniques and new technologies, between local identity and global development, standing at the forefront of new cultural and market trends.

This is how «Time and Matter» emerges, a project curated by Estudio Savage that since 2023 takes the form of an exhibition and a series of conferences during València Design Fest to bring contemporary craftsmanship closer to the general public. A space for reflection where you can see how, thanks to design, craftsmanship has a valid path of development and, above all, the permanence of materials, techniques and manufacturing processes.

Next edition: September 2025

Future of Fashion is the first international meeting on sustainable fashion in Valencia. The congress is a platform for creation, experimentation and the exchange of knowledge about the transformation of the fashion industries based on six main themes: raw materials; design; supply chain; production; consumption and waste; emissions and biodiversity. The scope of the congress is extended with a two-day programme addressed to the general public and business figures from the sector.

The congress was born in 2022 as a result of the collaboration of World Design Capital with the European SFES project on sustainable fashion led by Lindsey Carey (Glasgow Caledonian University) and Esteban Galán Cubillo (Universitat Politècnica de València). The 2023 edition was curated by the journalist and fashion communication expert Patricia Moreno Barberá as a legacy project of the official program of World Design Capital Valencia 2022. Future of Fashion 2024 is scheduled for the month of October.

Design cannot cure anything in and of itself, but neither can a vaccine if we don’t have a syringe to inject it with. The design is part of the solution itself, not an added value; it is an essential stage in the development of any innovation for social good. From industry to architecture, from graphic communication to fashion, there are many examples that serve to highlight the value of this creative activity for the most important thing of all: our health. This is right at the other end of the spectrum from decorative aspects and accessories.

All of them are presented in the book El diseño es bueno para la salud (Design is Good for Health), devised by the designer Ramón Úbeda, published by La Fábrica and promoted by the Fundació del Disseny, Andreu World and the MuVIM. This research work encompasses all disciplines of design and creativity, without forgetting what the pandemic has generated or the social emergencies that are taking place in other parts of the world. A transversal look at the past that dissects the present and projects into the future to illustrate, with more than 500 examples, that science and medicine are evolving and will continue to evolve with the help of technology and design.

It includes writings by Juli Capella, Patricio Sáiz, Pepa Reverter, Quim Larrea, Lluís Morillas, Luis Bassat, Víctor Palau, Álvaro Sobrino, Oscar Guayabero, Valentín Río, Artur Galocha, Xavi Calvo, Quico Vidal, Coke Ferreiro, Oriol Ventura, Toni Clariana, Tachy Mora, Jesús Llinares, Salvi Plaja, Carlos Atienza, Soledad Lorenzo, Marcus Hurst, Koke Fernández, Ana Domínguez Siemens and Carmelo Zappulla.

Premio ADI Cultura 2024 Oro en categoría Cultura/Editorial
Premio ADG Laus 2024 Bronce en categoría de Gráfica para Exposiciones
Premio ADCV 2024 Plata en categoría de Espacios Efímeros
Finalista Premios ADCV 2024 en categoría de Gráfica del Entorno

From 2023 Valencia is part of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network in the field of Design.
After the successful experience of being World Design Capital 2022, the Department of Culture of Valencia City Council has entrusted the Design Foundation of the Valencian Region with the drafting and management of Valencia’s candidacy to join the UNESCO Creative Cities Network.

The city of Valencia and the Region of Valencia is a land of creativity. The work of professionals from design, architecture, interior design or illustration to the llarg of the last hundred years demonstrates a design culture that is present throughout the territory.

This new adhesion promotes creativity and cultural industries as “strategic elements for the sustainable urban development” of the city and a natural evolution that previous world design capitals such as Helsinki, Mexico City or Seoul have already formalised.

«Icons of Valencian design» is a tribute to local design that projects the image of the Valencian Region to the world. This window offers a vision of the history of Valencian creations whose impact exemplifies the power of design to promote innovation and improve social welfare. A way of bringing together and consolidating the contents of a future Valencian design museum in virtual format. «Icons of Valencian design» is a project of the Design Foundation of the Valencian Region that counts with the collaboration of the Arxiu Valencià del Disseny and Diputació de València.
Design and curation by: Marisa Gallén

ADCV Gold Award 2024

From the candidature process to transform València into World Design Capital —this being an indisputable agglutinator of the Valencian design ecosystem— to the designation and subsequent development of the official programme, «Valencia 22. City of Design» is born as a documentary film that portrays the change that the city underwent in this key year for its projection to the world. An audiovisual piece produced by the documentary filmmaker Andreu Signes, which brings together a whole series of testimonies related to the year in which València celebrated on a local, national and international scale its historical and cultural legacy linked to design, as well as the fact of being a pole of attraction for creative talent.

Coordinated by the Design Foundation, the aim of the Consell del Disseny (Design Council) is to help the Valencian city council to build an increasingly friendly, accessible, green and forward-looking city. This pioneering consultative body in Spain was approved by the Local Government Board of València City Council in July 2022 and finally constituted in September of the same year, born in the heat of World Design Capital Valencia 2022 as one of its most significant legacy projects and becoming the first design council of a city council in our country.

Its members are: Silvana Andrés (visual artist and teacher), Carmen Baselga (interior architect and designer), Inés Novella (architect and urban planner), Kike Correcher (graphic designer and strategic consultant), Marisa Gallén (designer, president of the Associació València Capital del Disseny, National Design Award 2019), Xavier Giner (product design teacher), Yolanda Herráiz (designer, president of the Designers’ Association of the Valencian Community (ADCV)), Nacho Lavernia (designer, National Design Award 2012), Maite Palomares (architect), Irene Reig (designer), Ana Segovia (industrial designer), Jose Manuel Vidal (landscape architect).

“Nombre proyecto”